The Amador Family World Genealogy Project


Bienvenido al Proyecto Genealogico Mundial de la Familia Amador 


Por favor imprima y complete el Registro Familia con el Genealogy Chart y mandelo a nuestro correo.


or use el link para contactarnos si necesita mandarlo por fax. 

Le responderemos con un correo electronico verificando que lo  hemos procesado.  

       Tambien puedes ver los arboles en nuestro pagina de informacion con toque aqui para ser


Amador Genealogy Project en


Registro De Familia.pdf Registro De Familia.pdf
Size : 106.134 Kb
Type : pdf
Genealogy Chart en Espanol.pdf Genealogy Chart en Espanol.pdf
Size : 131.586 Kb
Type : pdf

 Hagamos un Arbol Mundial

Any questions please feel free to contact us via the above link or e-mail us at 


All information provided to this project will be used to create a Family Archive. The Amador Families are the sole benefactors of this long standing Family project. All information provided will be handled with most secure understanding that such and all information will be used for the project and its development.

The Amador Family World Genealogy Project will never ask for personal information other than that which will be used to develop the project, such as names of relatives to create a full family tree.

Ideas or comments or wish to donate please contact us.

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